Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sprint #2.3

This week I reorganized all our collision groups so they are more coherent and understandable.  The collision groups are now:

public static Category PhysicalCollisionCategory = Category.Cat1;

public static Category ShadowCollisionCategory = Category.Cat2;

 public static Category GroundCollisionCategory = Category.Cat3;

I had a problem with defining the collideswith on the player and so it took awhile to get everything organized.  Also, I made a directional light for the game.  I didn't have any art for it so I had to improvise, as shown below.
While I was looking up how to do the vertices for the light I came across an algorithm that will calculate a fixture based off of a texture.  I don't know if we'll be able to use it but it sure looks cool.

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