Monday, January 9, 2012

Sprint #2.1

So this is the very beginning of the semester.  Last semester went pretty good, but I think we really need to kick it into gear this semester.  I was able to do a few things over the break.  The first thing I did was organize the files in our Visual Studio project.  This included code and art.  The only thing I didn't organize was the level editor project because I was too afraid I would mess something up, but maybe we can do that later.  Here is a picture of our newly organize files (Note: I also cleaned up code and commented as much as I could):

The other thing I did was come up with some level ideas.  I didn't come up with a level but I drew out some puzzles.  Here they are:

The above puzzle has the basic logistics of the puzzle written on the paper. Things to take in consideration
  1. This may be too easy.  We can make it harder by using the same idea but with multiple platforms.
  2. Having "omnishadows"- shadows with ambient light - haven't done those yet. 

The above puzzle I did not write out how to solve the puzzle.  Here are the instructions:

  1. Player jumps on the lowest shadow platform and then to the platform to the right of it.  Then they jump up to the upper R switch and switch it so the light travels to the top of R path.
  2. Player jumps to platform by P switch and switches it.
  3. Player must jump on shadows cast by light traveling along P path.  If they are too slow or don't jump right they must go back to beginning.
Some problems we might encounter:
  1. Timing of moving light jumps and height of the platforms casting shadow.  Want to make sure the player can actually get across while still in light.
  2. I made the guard have a lantern so that the player can go into shadow and sneak past.  Not something we have talked about before so need to see about that.
I also had one more idea for a puzzle, but didn't draw it.  It's more of a cool aesthetic than a puzzle.  It involves having a whole bunch of platforms casting shadows.  Sometimes you use shadow mode to go to the next platform or just regular mode.  There will also be various paths so the player can get collectibles or avoid enemies.  The reason that I did not draw this out is because I didn't know how the shadows would work with a big overhead light so we will have to try that out.

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