Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week #2.11

This week I did a lot more coding than I usually do.  I put an elevator object for the Mountain Level.  To do this I need to find out the offset for the ground of the image which took awhile.  Also, I fixed the buoyancy zone so the objects in the water are easier to jump on.

 For the end of the level I changed the end point so it is still the checkpoint picture, but has fireworks going on around it.  It took me awhile to figure this out because there cannot be two animators in one class.  So I had to make a new fireworks object that the end point creates.

 The biggest thing I did was to redo the first level (the tutorial level) so it is longer and a little more tricky.  The first new puzzle I did was to introduce shadow monsters (shown below).  The other one used towers (shown in the picture above).

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