Friday, September 2, 2011

Week #2: Game Pitches!

Here is the game pitch for my game!

Sarah Ripley

A turn-based search for the ultimate steam-punk weapon to defeat your opponents at the top of the city!

Basic Idea:
  • This game is somewhat formatted as a board game. But don’t let this turn you off!
  • Players choose their character who start out with their own simple weapon.

  • Players take turns rolling dice (or some similar mechanic) to determine how many spaces they can move.

  • A player can choose the paths they want to go on to get to the certain squares on the board (described below).

  • Be careful! Cross the path of another player and a fight will ensue where the victor gets their opponents supplies.

Ultimate goal:
  • Collect a useful weapon and all the gear you need while still trying to get to the end of the board before the other players.
  • The first player to reach the top can set up defenses in preparation for the other players.

  • Once all players reach the top the ultimate fight happens to determine who will win the game!


  • collect items that help/ repair weapons (oil, etc.)
  • objects that will help with defense at top (gates, landmines, etc.)
  • go back a certain amount of spaces
  • take away weapon (can be fight against AI to determine)
  • chance to search for a weapon (have to choose a random box and hope there's a good weapon in it)

I didn't put this information in my game design doc, but I had more ideas!:


Good weapons:
  • machine gun
  • poison dispenser
  • pistol
  • dog attack
  • sword

Not so good weapons:
  • handkerchief dispenser
  • top-hat tipper
  • pet bird
  • butter knife

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