Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week #2.6

This week was mostly about making design decisions.  The biggest decision we made was to have toon shading on the art instead of gradients.  There was a great back and forth with this and it was crazy.  Here is an example that Leif made that helped me make the decision:
We also made various decisions about the level.  Here are the notes from our meeting:

10 min levels?
- optimizing in code
- Taylor will build level to determine limits
- sleep things that aren’t on screen

Texture switching based on level
making real world objects transparent/disappear when in shadow mode
Garrett working on making level look like paper

Farm level - tutorial
- Drew needs to make background loopable

- cherry blossom

- cave

- random peoples houses

- vertical level

Pushing object
circular light
directional light
platform indicator
shadow monsters/ guards

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