Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week #2.7

This week I mostly just worked on getting the art incorporated in the game.  The first things I did was implement the firefly and floating lantern as shown below: 

This took a little bit because I had to incorporate the light circle with the light image.  I realized after awhile I was having problems because there was white space around the light circle.  I also forgot to mention that last week I work with Taylor on the buoyant zones and made the boat classes.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week #2.6

This week was mostly about making design decisions.  The biggest decision we made was to have toon shading on the art instead of gradients.  There was a great back and forth with this and it was crazy.  Here is an example that Leif made that helped me make the decision:
We also made various decisions about the level.  Here are the notes from our meeting:

10 min levels?
- optimizing in code
- Taylor will build level to determine limits
- sleep things that aren’t on screen

Texture switching based on level
making real world objects transparent/disappear when in shadow mode
Garrett working on making level look like paper

Farm level - tutorial
- Drew needs to make background loopable

- cherry blossom

- cave

- random peoples houses

- vertical level

Pushing object
circular light
directional light
platform indicator
shadow monsters/ guards

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week #2.5

This week I was full force designer.  My main thing I did this week was take a level that Leif drew and organize it into art that the programmers could use.  Here are the drawings I did to show my ideas:

Here's what I requested from the artists:

Things that need to be made for level:

*These are the things that are most important to be made for the level on Tuesday*

  1. Towers – (bottom of second page) For the towers I specified how tall each level of the tower needs to be (it's an approximation you can make slightly higher if need be. NOTE: not drawn to scale). I had to change that puzzle a bit because I'm not sure if we can do everything on Leif's drawing. So look at the art and let me know if you have any questions. Also, if we can have the middle part of the first tower be more faded (indicating you can jump across to platforms on other side). Then on the second tower have the middle part stand out indicating that player can't walk through.
  2. Tall grass – background indicating what shadow is cast on
  3. ground block – (used throughout level) for player to walk on the top of (whatever makes sense)

  1. special water block – (first page of drawing) water where player needs to use fishing pole to jump across. Needs to be at least 550 pixels across so player can't just jump across. I will include example of water I found that might be cool.

  1. Regular water block – (top right corner of first page) blocks we can use to show the flowing of the river

  1. fishing pole – (first page of drawing right before the water) at least 250 pixels width-wise

  1. Water wheel and flat building – (first page) stand alone water wheel with 250 pixels between each paddle. Building with flat roof.
  2. Boat – (second page) big boat that guard walks on.

These items are in order of importance. So if you feel like you don't have enough time please get as much of the top items done before Monday night.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sprint #2.4

This week I mostly tried to get everything organized design-wise.  The decisions we made are as follows:

1) We need at least 2 themed levels at least drawn out for the professional showcase day.
     - Leif drew out the farm level
     - Alice drew out the city level

2) Collectible hierarchy
    - Shooting for a collectible hierarchy of: statues, paintings, calligraphy, coins (in order from more points -> less)
    - higher point items will be harder to get
    - need to have at least statues and coins

I also helped fix collision categories again because we found a special case we needed.