Monday, November 28, 2011

Sprint #6

Task: Come up with alpha level incorporating features so far/ that should be finished.

So I came up with some drawings of what the first level can be.  I haven't implemented it yet because 1) some of the features aren't done completely or I don't know how best to use them 2) I want to approve it with my team so that everyone is happy with the outcome.

Here are the drawings:

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sprint #5

Task: Figure out how to fake the shadows effectively, or a way to do them dynamically

Ok this has been super hard.  I've been going over tutorials that I found online and trying to see if I cvould modify them to fit our game.  The problem can be seen in this picture:

As you can see the shadows are highly distorted and don't really work in our game in that they no longer retain their shape in shadow form.  So I found this other shadow tutorial which is in 3D but we might be able to port it to 2D.  Garrett is also helping me with this and he has an idea using translation matrices which seems to work somewhat effectively.  Here are some things that we might be able to improve on Garrett's in order to make it work:

1) When the player is vertically aligned with the light, the shadow completely disappears which I don't think should happen.  I think it might be rotating at some point which causes the problem.
2) Make it so the translation isn't too far away, right now it seems to be going further than it needs to.
3) We some how need to let the shadow know not to go through the ground as show below.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sprint #4

Task: Help Garrett with converting the pixel units to sim units throughout the game.

To do this I helped Garrett to solve problems with the camera when the units were converted.  I think that was the biggest problem.  Now the player can move!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sprint #3

Tasks: Make the collisions with the blocks actually be on the blocks.  Put lights in game and make trigger so know when player is in the light.

So the collisions were fixed in class thanks to Garrett and Rielly.  I added a lot to the project this week.
Here's what I did (short and concise so easy to read):

  • Added light from prototype and made it so the actual lantern could be collided with but the light part was just a trigger.
  • Put in the first art of the player and made a mock shadow.
  • Made it so when player is in light shadow appears and player can go into shadow mode
  • Once player is out of light, shadow disappears and can no longer go into shadow.
Here are some pictures:
Player in light with shadow

Player in shadow mode
Player out of light and no longer has shadow